On Jan 8, 2025, we attempted an introduction in a neutral area, mostly following the introductions page on Guinea Lynx. To our surprise, as soon as Paulie greeted Moon on the floor, he established his dominance, repeatedly mounting him. Moon clearly wasn't happy about it, but made only a half-hearted effort to escape from the mounting. During the introduction, I don't recall aggressive behavior such as teeth chattering, nose offs, etc. (In retrospect, Paulie's dominance makes more sense given how fast and strong he is, which is evident each time I need to remove him from the cage.)
After about an hour, we decided that they had both undergone enough stress, and decided to prepare Moon's cage for the both of them. We removed the bedding, washed the cage floor with vinegar, and put in new bedding. For the next few days, Moon and Paulie were best friends. Paulie would sometimes mount Moon, who wasn't happy about that, but would either accept it or run away without responding aggressively. But more recently, perhaps starting Jan 11, 2025, we noticed some conflict. It seems that Moon had reduced his tolerance for mounting. Then on Jan 12, 2025, we noticed that Paulie was blocking Moon from accessing food, responding with teeth chattering and nose offs. We added additional food on the other side of the cage, but Moon still seems to be under stress, staying in his hideout most of the time, while Paulie eats from both food areas. We've also noticed continued teeth chattering and sometimes nose-offs, and I did witness at least one scuffle. With that said, I don't see evidence of physical injuries. Other times, they seem to get along okay, sometimes sharing the same hideout in apparent peace.
In addition to adding more food, we've tried some other environmental changes, though it's not clear which (if any) have helped:
- Rearranging hideouts. This has been mixed. Some changes made things better, some worse. Right now they have 3 hideouts. They normally are in separate hideouts, though sometimes they stay in the same hideout peacefully.
- Cleaning the cage again in an effort to reduce scent.
- Applying some imitation vanilla to their noses and behinds.
- Cutting their nails to reduce risk of physical injuries.
At this point, I'm not sure how to proceed. Some possibilities that come to mind are:
- Attempt the introduction again, perhaps including a buddy bath and a 2+ hours of introduction.
- Separate them to help them cool down before the introduction, and also to help Moon resume normal eating behavior.
- Just wait it out on the hope that they sort it out.
- Give up and either return Paulie to the shelter or keep them in separate cages indefinitely. We don't want either of these, but if Moon is worse off with Paulie as a cage mate, then we'd prefer to let Moon live alone.