Incoming: New Fosters!!
I am going tomorrow to pick up a pair of female pigs. They were found abandoned in an apartment (I hope karma gets the people that did that once, then comes around again with a huge punch) with another pair of girl pigs. They are one and two years old, both black and white. Awful names, lol. Oreo and French Fry. I may rename them while they are here to something like Olga and Fifi. Anyway, I will spoil them while they live here, and hope that they land in their forever home soon. I originally did not want pairs, but found pairs are easier for me to let go of. I came very close to being a foster failure with Dwayne the last foster I had. I have not had a girl piggy since my beloved Ruby died in February 2020. I need to keep saying to myself that a CANNOT keep two more pigs....................
How exciting! I agree that kharma needs to pay those people a visit. I'm at a loss as to why people give guinea pigs such awful names. Sammy and Dean were named Mr Crowley and Hades for crying out loud. Must've been Ozzy Osbourne fans or gothics or something to give such adorable little guys names like that LoL. Anyway, I know you'll do right by those girls and I hope they get good homes. I know you'll see to it.
Lol Renonvsparky, I have had some weird names of many animals before we changed them. Simon was Garfunkel, my rabbit, Dash, was Moushie, my chinchilla, Cyrus, was Nut, and our Lab/pit mix, Griffin, was Corn Dog Bunny. Still trying to figure that one out! LOL Olga and Fifi have not been run past my husband, he will get the final say because he is so wonderful about all the crazy I put him through with the animals. Though, in some cases, I do retain veto power. Because he kept trying to name everything Rudy at one time. LMBO.
Lynx-still have not mastered the picture posting. I honestly have not had time to work on it. I will try though. Because everyone is so darn cute!!!
Lynx-still have not mastered the picture posting. I honestly have not had time to work on it. I will try though. Because everyone is so darn cute!!!